Movie Explorer

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Welcome to MovieExplorer.

This is a Xamarin Programming Test from CIE Digital Labs

Requirements and Endpoints are CIE's property ( and shall not be used without their consent.

All of the Source Code in this Repo was created by Sergio Schirmer Almenara Ribeiro (@sergioribeiro)

Home screen

Home Screen

Video details screen

Details Screen

Future Improvements

1) Implement the search bar

2) Improve the Navigation Bar to look like the image "movie_app_test_detail.jpg" from the Requirements

3) Improve the stars to allow showing non integer values for the vote averages

4) Implement the blur effect on the background of the Video Details screen

5) Implement the Play Video functionality

6) Implement the "Save to Favorites" functionality

7) The user should have the ability to add and remove movies from their “Favorites”

8) The user should be able to view their favorites

9) Favorite movies should persist between sessions

10)Implement the unit tests


12)Create the App's icon

13)Improve the exception handling